Storefront City Chicago

Archive for the tag “fantasy action”

She Kills Monsters



WHAT: She Kills Monsters
WHEN: February 15 – April 21, 2013 (schedule)
WHERE: Steppenwolf Garage Theatre (1624 N. Halsted St.)
RUNTIME: 90 minutes, no intermission
WHO: Buzz22 Chicago
PRICE: $20




Each year, Steppenwolf’s Garage Theatre explodes with new talent in three repertory productions from some of Chicago’s up-and-coming theater companies. Storefront City takes on Garage Rep 2013, starting with Buzz22 Chicago’s She Kills Monsters.

(Credit: Michael Brosilow)

(Credit: Michael Brosilow)

If you’re like us, you know what Dungeons & Dragons is: an epic game of wits, stamina and adventure (and, ultimately, creativity), it represented an epoch when tabletop games were the norm and your imagination could take you anywhere. Buzz22 Chicago’s She Kills Monsters is not only an extremely fun romp through the world of fantasy, but also a meditation on our perceptions of those we love, and how they exist in their own minds.

(Credit: Michael Brosilow)

(Credit: Michael Brosilow)

In Qui Nguyen’s play, a young woman must face the perils created by her sister’s mind on a D&D quest to save that sister’s very soul (you can pick up the script at She Kills Monsters). Under Scott Weinstein’s direction, a plot unfolds that shows us this young woman is as much trying to save her own soul as her sister’s: accompanied by a motley band of followers, demons are slain in more ways than one in this epically funny and compelling fantasy-action-comedy.

(Credit: Michael Brosilow)

(Credit: Michael Brosilow)

With transitions from the world of High School to the mythical world of role-playing, we are privy to choreographed battles, large scale puppetry work by Colleen Werle, beautifully intimate shadow puppetry from the majestic Manual Cinema, awe-inspiring mask design from Colleen Werle and Trina McGee, and thrilling costume designs that will take you back into the 90s, through the lands of elves, and even into the depths where demons lurk while watching ER and Twin Peaks.

(Credit: Michael Brosilow)

(Credit: Michael Brosilow)

You don’t need to know about D&D to appreciate this epic show (to be honest, only half our duo is a D&D nerd). Yet, one of the magical aspects about She Kills Monsters is the wide array of audience members who attend: we shared the house with an avid D&D player who had ‘nerd’ written all over his face and down to his toes, and who had probably not seen a lot of theater before. On top of that, Buzz22 Chicago is just brimming with energy and youthfulness. This young company’s mission is to explore coming of age and the ideas of change, growth and transition that are constant in all of our lives. No matter what you do with your free time, whether you watch reality TV or play RPGs, this show allows us all to share a unique and mesmerizing adventure.



She Kills Monsters is absolutely fun, subtly thought-provoking and a must for anyone who dreams of being something more. Highly recommended, so pick up tickets while you still can!

P.S. Check out the Garage Rep 2013 trailer! And if you want to play a bit of D&D, this is the place to start: Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Roleplaying Game: An Essential D&D Starter (4th Edition D&D)

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