Storefront City Chicago

Archive for the tag “Actor”

Catch Me If You Can The Musical

WHAT: Catch Me If You Can The Musical
WHEN: April 2 – 14, 2013 (schedule)
WHERE: Cadillac Palace Theatre (151 W. Randolph St.)
RUNTIME: 2 Hours and 55 minutes, with a 15 minute intermission
WHO: Broadway in Chicago
PRICE: $18-85


The latest adaptation of Frank Abagnale, Jr.’s 1980 biography, and heavily based upon the 2002 film, Catch Me If You Can follows the story of this con-artist through the many twists and turns of his life, from airline pilot, doctor, lawyer and so on, as he evades the authorities while tapping out a few tunes. Poorly written and musically glib, the performance is made worse by the serious lack of vocal talent on offer and the frustratingly predictable content.

Adam: Every year, tens of musicals are written around the world with only a few seeing the lights of the Broadway stage. Some are beyond belief fantastic, while others make you wonder whether The Producers is actually coming true, with Bialystock and Bloom succeeding in making a flop. I would have preferred to sit through a fictional musical about Hitler than the asinine malarkey presented on the Cadillac Palace Theatre stage this week. An embarrassing array of mediocrity, Catch Me If You Can The Musical will leave you firmly planted in your seat, while its cast imagines soaring through the skies, only for you to wish they would come crashing down in a fireball.

(Photo by Christian Toto)

(Photo by Christian Toto)

Stephen Anthony’s depiction of Frank Abagnale, Jr. is actually admirable. He captures some of the youthful zest of DiCaprio’s screen performance, but leaves one wishing for the tour de force of the original actor. Most disappointing was his singing range, which clearly was not appropriate for the role. His inability to hit certain notes was not only clearly apparent, but terribly distracting and unacceptable for a Broadway musical.

(Photo by Carol Rosegg)

(Photo by Carol Rosegg)

The chorus was also absolutely not up to Broadway calibre, and I felt sorry for an audience who had shelled out good money to be regaled by these untrained Sirens, who seemed to plunge the whole endeavor into the realms of YouTube videos that I purely watch for schadenfreude.

I left the theatre not believing what I had just seen: a complete flop that was given a standing ovation by the audience. Perhaps I got it wrong and the audience was right, but I suspect that this is once again a sign of the times: the audience wouldn’t care if it was bad or good, just so long as they see a musical, all will be well.

(Photo by Carol Rosegg)

(Photo by Carol Rosegg)

Alicia: There are a few aspects to this production which are commendable. One, scenic designer David Rockwell’s escalator-esque set piece upon which the entire orchestra sits (with the drums underneath). Second, the orchestra and local musicians themselves, both in being able to watch them perform (instead of hiding them in the pit) as well as the quality of their performance. Third was Bob Bonniol’s video system and content design. While some of the video was way too over the top and completely ridiculous (anywhere from flashing stars the colors of the rainbow to sunrises), some of it reminded me of the aesthetic of the last James Bond film, which was fitting for this show. But to be perfectly honest, this was the first time I have seen this kind of design content before, so I may have just been impressed by the technology more than the actual aesthetic.

(Photo by Carol Rosegg)

(Photo by Carol Rosegg)

Yet, if you had been there to see my reactions to this performance, you would not have guessed that I liked anything at all, being in utter disbelief in what was happening on stage. First and foremost, I felt sorry that William Ivey Long had to costume design this thing, with a script calling for women dressed up as Elmer’s Glue, India Ink and a Swiss Army Knife, and other women dressed in practically nothing. And performances from Aubrey Mae Davis (Brenda) and Allyson Tolbert (India Ink Assistant, Nurse, etc.) make you wonder how some of these performers were allowed to set foot on a Broadway stage.

(Photo by Carol Rosegg)

(Photo by Carol Rosegg)

The only enjoyable song by any means was “Don’t Break the Rules,” sung by Merritt David Janes (Agent Carl Hanratty) and company. Yet songs like “(Our) Family Tree” and “Fly, Fly Away” made me wonder why I didn’t leave during intermission, or why I even came at all.

Final Thoughts: Broadway is expensive. Please don’t shell out your hard-earned money for this one. If you really want to learn about Frank Abagnale, Jr., either watch the film Catch Me If You Can, read a book, or wiki it. You’ll save yourself a lot of headache, a lot of money, and a solid three hours of your life.

P.S.: Check fraud was not the only crime being committed that night. Clearly, judging by the sight-lines, Cadillac Palace Theatre was having a little swindle of their own. A seat should not have no view of a quarter of the stage. We don’t appreciate guessing who is singing when they disappear, as it makes for an annoying experience. This is Broadway Cadillac, get your act together!

Butt Trash

WHAT: Butt Trash
WHEN: Sundays at 8pm, March 24 – April 28
WHERE: Chemically Imbalanced Comedy (1422 W. Irving Park Rd.)
RUNTIME: 1 hour, with an approximately 5-minute intermission
WHO: Fanny and Dumpster, Chemically Imbalanced Comedy
PRICE: $10


Lakeview’s Chemically Imbalanced Comedy has a ton of shows going on right now, so Storefront City headed over to see one of their newer improv comedy shows, Butt Trash, featuring female improv comedy groups Fanny and Dumpster.

Adam: Our night began with Fanny, a group of women providing excruciatingly hilarious character acting, positively accurate group dynamics and strong comedy that seemed reminiscent of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia; I was most certainly bursting with laughter at these girls.

Made up of Blair Beeken, Claire Mulaney, Sarah Shook and Lily Sullivan, Fanny managed to take the annoyingly complicated suggestion of ‘municipal’ and turn it into a full-fledged ridiculous drama, replete with underage alcohol supply, sexual tension, eating disorders and the most broken social group I’ve seen presented on stage (and that’s a good thing).

What I like most about Fanny is their unashamed comedic antics. Leave your prudishness at home and wallow in the clever skits they produce, otherwise you’ll end up shocked and unamused. Standing out for me were performances by Claire Mulaney, who perfected the awkward overly long-dwelling on a subject that somehow makes it irresistibly funny, and Lily Sullivan, who managed to drop us right in the middle of the most timidly approachable subjects while remaining absolutely straight-faced.

Stream of consciousness and delightfully wonderful improv, Fanny are masters of their art and should be seen at all costs.



Alicia: After the briefest of intermissions came the next quartet, Dumpster, whose motto is “the Devil never closes a door without opening a dumpster.” Composed of cast members Jill Fenstermaker, Ellen Haeg, Molly Hall and Amy Speckien, the ladies in this group have credentials ranging from stints at iO Theater, The Gift Theatre, and plenty of other shows at CIC.

While not as successful as their predecessors from Fanny, Dumpster began and ended their show with a group scene, with different characters and combinations in between. The two weakest aspects of the performance was the group’s inability to stay on topic with the audience suggestion (merely using the subject to initiate the first scene, and then never referring to it again), and the constant rotation of changing characters that was hard to follow and which felt like somewhat of a letdown after Fanny’s consistent character profiles.

Yet, Dumpster’s focus on neuroses, family dynamics and a healthy variety of character acting led to fast-paced fun that definitely kept the audience at the edge of their seats wondering what might come next. With a suggestion of “toaster,” this dynamic quartet presented scenes anywhere from neurotic housewives reading romance novels and discussing their feminine problems, to an all-out family war at the dinner table sparked by a little bit of sibling rivalry. With Dumpster, you’re never sure what’s lurking around the next corner, or in the next garbage bin.


Final Thoughts: Chemically Imbalanced Comedy is producing new comedy at highly affordable prices. Easily accessible and rarely frequented, you are almost definitely guaranteed a seat and plenty of laughs at this independent and developing venue.

The Birthday Party

WHAT: The Birthday Party
WHEN: January 24 – April 28, 2013
WHERE: 1650 N. Halsted Ave.
RUNTIME: 2 hours and 30 minutes with two 10-minute intermissions
HOST: Steppenwolf Theatre Company
PRICE: $15-$78

OUR RATING: Chance It!

(Credit: Sandro)

(Credit: Sandro)

Ambiguity takes and reigns the stage in Steppenwolf Theatre Company’s production of Harold Pinter’s The Birthday Party, now playing until March 3rd in Steppenwolf’s newly configured Upstairs Theatre in Lincoln Park. Directed by ensemble member Austin Pendleton and starring an epic cast of Steppenwolf ensemble members Ian Barford, Francis Guinan, Moira Harris and John Mahoney (along with Marc Grapey and Sophie Sinise), Steppenwolf’s take on Pinter’s nightmarish dark-comic classic is lukewarm at best.

(Credit: Michael Brosilow)

Moira Harris, Ian Barford, Sophia Sinise, Francis Guinan and Marc Grapey (Credit: Michael Brosilow)

Set in a seaside English boarding house, this comedy of menace is absurd to say the least, with a fluid and questionable sense of time, place, identity and context. To put it simply, the lives of owners Meg (Moira Harris) and Petey (John Mahoney) and their guest Stanley (Ian Barford) are turned upside down with the arrival of two mysterious strangers (Francis Guinan and Marc Grapey). Other aspects of the plot are given step by step and questioned along the way, leaving the audience to piece together the rest of the story.

Steppenwolf’s new configuration of their Upstairs Theatre definitely adds some excitement to the piece, now bringing their audience closer in a new alley (traverse) staging that provides a unique and slightly uncomfortable intimacy with both the stage and the audience on the other side.

(Credit: Michael Brosilow)

Barford and Harris (Credit: Michael Brosilow)

However, the most essential pieces of a Pinter play are unfortunately found missing in this production. The classic suspense and menace that pervade each of his works, including The Birthday Party, are only subtle here, leaving the audience without the unique creepiness and spine-tingling feeling of risk that one usually associates with the Nobel laureate’s work. After reading the play, one feels a certain amount of discomfort and tension that is refreshing and exciting and scary all at the same time. But Pendleton’s direction seems more stagnant and lacks this sense of the dramatic, with a few hapless cameos of the over-dramatic.

(Credit: Michael Brosilow)

Guinan and Grapey (Credit: Michael Brosilow)

In addition to this, the setting, which is clearly stated by Pinter to be a southern English town (as mentioned on several occasions in the media), does not seem to have mattered to whoever provided guidance for accents on this production. Dialects seem to range from northern working class (Mahoney), Thespian London (Guinan), and indiscernible (Welsh?) (Harris). This added to the confused feeling of the production and was perhaps intentional. However, it still doesn’t forgive some of the poorer accent approximations given by certain members of the cast, which are simply unnecessary with the proper training. We, however, blame this more so on a failing of the voice coach than any of the actors themselves.

John Mahoney and Francis Guinan (Credit: Michael Brosilow)

Mahoney and Guinan (Credit: Michael Brosilow)

This doesn’t negate the fact that the acting as a whole is superb, with stellar performances from Francis Guinan and John Mahoney, although Mahoney’s part is much smaller than we would have liked. Each of these theatrical veterans bring a whole lot of punch to this play, with Mahoney’s strange vulnerability and the lovable, yet terrifying, character of Guinan’s.

While the average ticket price may be a bit too steep for this production, Steppenwolf offers some pretty awesome ticket discounts, including $15 student tickets and twenty $20 tickets to every single show. Twenty bucks to see some top Steppenwolf acting of Pinter’s ominous absurd-ism may just be worth it.

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